Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Christmas to relatives and friends abroad

Dear friends,
I had a plan, this year as last year and several years before, to write a Christmas letter to you in November, but for unknown reasons, I never manage to do so.This year I will try to reach you in a different way.
I retired a few months ago, and moved with my husband across the country from eastern Norway to the western part, to Bømlo, the island and even to the house where I grew up. My father died last year, and he had not been able to take care of his house for several years, so it needed a lot of love and care!
We were happy to live in Asker near Oslo, but our three sons had all of them moved westwards, and as we grow older, we would like to be able to visit them and our  grandchildren  more often. Now we live more close to them, and we will closer when we in a few years move to an appartment in Stavanger and leave this as a house for vacations (or what it may be called when we are retired!)
To all Oselands abroad, we kept our small cottage in Telemark.From there we can, amongst other things, see the Aasland part of the  family.
By now we live next to old friends, some cousins and my uncle Hans who had his 94th birthday this month. He is not old! On his birthday he bought a splendid new car! The salesman came to his house with the car, roses, birthday cake and some other small presents. The salesman wanted to bring in a TV camera man, but my uncle did not want that. He has no children of his own, but this year as earlier, he invited his nephews and nieces to a big birthday party. To you Caltvedts "over there" he is a cousin of your mother, Bernice, 99 in August. There has been a lot of longliving persons in this family!
Some of our children and grandchildren will come here during the Christmas holidays, but this summer we were all together for a week in Denmark. A photographer came to take pictures. We think we have a nice family!

We want to wish all of you
A Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

If any of you want to write to us, our new address is
Hollundsvegen 15
5427 Urangsvåg

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